Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Rep. Eric Cantor using taxpayer money to help resuscitate the GOP

I heard someone say recently that politics is sometimes like squeezing a balloon (or sausage). You squeeze one end and the other end grows. Harry Reid on one end, low poll numbers and approval ratings. Now Congressman Eric Cantor walking the very fine line between legal and illegal, ethical and unethical.

According to a Roanoke Times Editorial on May 19th, Congressman Cantor seems to be using his own Congressional Staffers, on Government time and out of their taxpayer funded offices, to work on reviving the GOP in their campaign to remake their no original idea, white male southern image. The Editorial points out that it might not be illegal, but it is certainly questionable use of a taxpayer paid Congressional Staff. The Virginia GOP just can't catch a break these days (Jeff Frederick, Joe May, McDonnell supporting turning down extension of unemployment benefits from the Federal Stimulus package, etc...). What else can they screw-up?

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