Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Kaiser SCOTUS Health Care Poll: Time to move on folks...

After more than a two month absence from the blogosphere, Off K Street is back.  We've been more focused on our Facebook page for stirring the pot and posting articles for discussion.  But this will only take the discussion and voice of this blog so far.  From this point forward we'll be making every effort to make regular posts, and if possible, to expand beyond by contributing original content and first person perspective.

The Kaiser Family Foundation conducted a poll from June 28 - 30, after the Supreme Court ruled to uphold the Affordable Care Act, that clearly states what the American public wants to happen from this point forward - its time to move on.  While reading through the top sheet of a poll is sometimes very wonkish, there are some very interesting tidbits to glean.  Here's the link to the poll.

Of particular interest are questions #9 and #10.  On the question of what opponents of the law should do, 56% of respondents say opponents of the law should "stop their efforts to block the law and move on to other national problems."

On the question of what would you like to see Congress do when it comes to the health care law, the number to "Expand" or "Keep it" have been consistently 50% or higher since February of 2011.

Despite Republican assertions that the majority of Americans don't like the law and want it repealed, there also been a pretty consistent 15 to 16 percent of liberals that don't like it because it doesn't go far enough, meaning that the majority of Americans have always been on the other side of keeping "Obamacare".

In the minds of a majority of Americans, this issue is settled.  If anything, they would like to see the law improved, not repealed or replaced with a Republican alternative.

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